
  • The vision of the college is to ensure the holistic development of the students by imparting them the best quality and value-based education in the discipline of their choice and thus, to equip its students with the best knowledge and skills irrespective of their class and creeds.
  • To provide opportunities to the students to realize their hidden talents and thus, help them to achieve a bright future.
  • To evolve the institute into a reputed institute of higher learning.


  • The mission of the college is to encourage academic ambiance in which new ideas, research, and scholarship flourish, to promote innovative and quality teaching-learning in the institution, to promote cultural diversity, to foster in its students the intrinsic values of life, to enable young minds to embark upon the journey of intellectual, social and Spiritual transformation and thus, to prepare outstanding scholars, leaders, educators, sportsperson and students in research.


  • To provide a conducive and supportive environment to promote creativity, innovation, and research.
  • To promote quality teaching.
  • To initiate professional courses in the college, so that maximum number of students will be benefited.
  • To enhance and enrich the knowledge of both the teacher and the student by encouraging them to pursue and involve in project/research activity.
  • To provide a platform for the students to become self-dependent and self-reliant.
  • To ensure holistic development of students by organizing various sports and cultural activities.
  • Creating awareness among students regarding available career opportunities by facilitating them with career counseling and placement.
  • Organizing seminar/workshop/awareness programs so that the academic atmosphere should be sustained.